Celebration of World Environment Day Anglais

Dear Team,

I hope this message finds you all in great spirits and with a sense of accomplishment because today we are celebrating Spiro's first birthday! It has been an incredible journey filled with hard work, dedication, and the spirit of collaboration. As we take a moment to reflect on this milestone, I want to express my sincere gratitude and admiration for each and every one of you.

Today, on World Environment Day, I am filled with immense pride as I reflect upon the tremendous impact our team has made over the past year. One particular aspect that stands out is witnessing the sight of our sustainable motorbikes traveling far beyond the centers of Cotonou and Lome. It is a testament to our team's dedication and the positive change we are bringing to the environment.

The work we accomplished in Benin, Togo, Rwanda, and Uganda is truly commendable. From cleaning and rejuvenating public spaces to promoting responsible waste management and inspiring local communities, each action has had a significant impact on the environment. Our efforts have resonated far and wide, spreading awareness about the importance of environmental preservation and encouraging sustainable practices.

I am thrilled to share that our swap stations alone have saved a staggering 1,870 tons of CO2 emissions. This achievement speaks volumes about our innovative solutions and the strides we are making towards a cleaner and more sustainable future. Your collective efforts have not only made a difference in the present but have laid the foundation for lasting environmental change.

I want to express my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you for your exceptional work and unwavering commitment. Your passion and dedication have been instrumental in Spiro's success and the positive impact we are making on a global scale. Together, we are driving change and creating a world where sustainability thrives.

As we celebrate this milestone, let us remember that our journey to a sustainable future is far from over. Today, on Spiro's first birthday, let's renew our commitment to continue making a difference, inspire others to join our cause, and leave a lasting legacy for generations to come.

Thank you for being part of the Spiro family and for your tireless efforts in championing our core values. I am incredibly proud of each and every one of you. Here's to a bright future filled with further accomplishments and positive change!

Happy first birthday, Spiro!

Warmest regards,



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